jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016


Read the texts and answer the questions.


The world is now warmer than at almost any time since the end of the last ice age and, on present trends, will continue to reach a record high for the entire period since the dawn of civilization, a study has found.

The study published in the journal Science, aims to give a global overview of Earth's temperatures over the past 11,300 years - a relatively balmy period known as the Holocene that began after the last major ice age ended and encompasses all of recorded human civilization.

Their data (compiled by studying such things as ice cores, fossils and ocean sentiment) looked back over a much longer era than previous research, which went back 1,500 years.

Scientists say it is further evidence that modern-day global warming isn't natural, but the result of rising carbon dioxide emissions that have rapidly grown since the Industrial Revolution began roughly 250 years ago. Scientists say that if natural factors were still governing the climate, the Northern Hemisphere would probably be destined to freeze over again in several thousand years. Instead, scientists believe the enormous increase in greenhouse gases caused by industrialization will almost certainly prevent that.

Shaun Marcott, a geologist at Oregon State University, says "global temperatures are warmer than about 75 percent of anything we've seen over the last 11,000 years or so." The other way to look at that is, 25 percent of the time since the last ice age, it's been warmer than now.

It's taken just 100 years for the average temperature to change by 1.3 degrees, when it took 5,000 years to do that before. By the end of the century, climate warming models predict an additional increase of 2 to 11.5 degrees, due largely to carbon emissions, the study noted.


1 - 'Dawn' in this text means:
a. Earth
b. Sunrise
c. Heat
d. Beginning

2 - 'Balmy' means:
a. Cold
b. Warm
c. Hot
d. Cool

3 - True or false: this study looks at a longer than usual time-period.
a. True
b. False

4 - The Earth's temperature has increased quickly since:
a. The Industrial Revolution
b. The Northern Hemisphere
c. 1,500 years ago
d. The Holocene

5 - 'Prevent' means:
a. Slow
b. Complete
c. Encourage
d. Stop

6 - True or false: Scientist predict the earth will freeze over because of increased greenhouse gases.
a. True
b. False

7 - True or false: The temperature will increase by 1.3 degrees in the next 100 years.
a. True
b. False

8 - This article could be described as a ___ look at the future.
a. Pessimistic
b. Optimistic

9. What is your opinion about the article?


Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others. So the massacre on the road may be regarded as a social problem. Safety standards for vehicle have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through periodic road-worthiness inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave.


1. According to the passage, traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem since ----.
A) the motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention
B) the accidents have more to do with hazardous conditions than hazardous drivers
C) most of the accidents are caused by drivers who don't pay attention to the traffic rules
D) the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers
E) traffic accidents can cause serious economic damage

2. According to the passage, the number of accidents has fallen because ----.
A) significant advances have been made towards safer driving
B) many people now know that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration
C) drivers are warned to take extra care on the roads
D) drivers have finally learned how to behave
E) there has been improvement in the way drivers behave

3. It is pointed out in the passage that those who violate traffic regulations ----.
A) are the most inexperienced drivers that we have on the roads
B) always blame the road conditions
C) don't have prior traffic violations or crashes on their records
D) are the biggest threat to those with whom they share the road
E) don't know most of the traffic rules and regulations