jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018



Complete the dialogues with appropriate sentences.

         That's because they never stop criticizing me. 
         Why don't you try telling them how you feel about it?
         Do you think I haven't? They just don't care about how I feel.

A) Why are you always complaining about your parents?
B) What's the reason for her aggressive behavior?
C) Why are the policemen running around?
D) What makes you think that the exam questions will be difficult?
E) Are your parents aware of the problems you are going through?

         No, I'm okay. I can wait until the end of the meeting. 
         I don't think so. You can't keep your eyes open.
         I guess you're right. I'll see you tomorrow.

A) Are you feeling better today than yesterday?
B) Can you tell me why you're smiling all the time?
C) Is it possible for you to wait for the end of the meeting?
D) You had better go home and take a rest.
E) Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?

         But it's not enough if you want to lose weight. 
         I know, but it's only a beginning.
         Sure, it's better than doing nothing. 

A) The dietician said I need to lose ten pounds.
B) I've decided not to go to the gym anymore.
C) I've stopped eating bread.
D) The new chef is really good at making snacks.
E) I've sold my tennis rackets.

         Then you should start wearing glasses. 
         I already have contact lenses, but still I can't see clearly.
         It's time you changed them, then.

A) When did you last go to an eye doctor?
B) Should I tell my grandmother to see an optician?
C) I can't see the sentences on the board.
D) Are you able to see better now?
E) This pain in my back is killing me.

         Shall we leave the car here and walk? 
         I don't think we should, because the bank is almost five hundred
         meters from here. 
         I don't care. I can't walk up to the bank in this weather. 

A) It may lake more than an hour lo walk lo the bank.
B) They've decided to open a new branch near here?
C) Normally, I walked to school from home.
D) But it's very difficult lo find a parking place near the bank
E) I agree. The bank will have been closed by then.

        I have had sleep disorder for nearly 3 months.
        No, I wanted to see a doctor first.
        You did the right thing. Now I will give you some pills for that.

A) Have you done anything about it?
B) Why didn't you see a doctor immediately alter this complaint started?
C) Do you know what I should do about it?
D) Did you have this complaint the last time you came to me?
E) Your situation is really serious so you should immediately start getting
        professional help.

        You haven't been looking so well recently. Anything wrong?
        Yes. Yesterday I had to take my mother to hospital due to high blood
        Not really. All she has to do is to follow a strict diet.

A) It is not a very serious illness. You don't need to worry.
B) I hope she is fine now. Please let me know how she is when she is back
        from hospital.
C) Oh God! How is she right now? Anything serious?
D) I told her that she had lo be careful with what she ate but she never
        listens to me.
E) I am sorry I didn't know. Is she OK now?

        Are we supposed to hand in our assignments by Friday?
        No, we have time until the end of this month. Have you finished it yet?
        Neither have I. I really don't know what to do.

A) No, I haven't. I'm still trying lo find some reference books but I haven't
        found any yet.
B) Yes, I didn't sleep last night in order to complete it.
C) I am nearly done but I still need some help for the cover.
D) I didn't even know about it until yesterday. I found out when John
        talked to me about it.
E) You never change. You always do your work on the last day, don't

        Do you remember when Lili's birthday is?
        I hope it is not past yet; she would never forgive us if we forgot it.
        You are absolutely right, let me check my calendar.

A) Yes, I do. it was last month and we had a party for her.
B) Don't worry. You have ten more days before her birthday.
C) Not exactly, but as far as remember it must be close.
D) What do you have to do with her birthday? You are not even friends
E) Don't tell me you have forgotten to celebrate her birthday.

        What do you think of the recent developments in the economy?
        Don't you? The inflation has recently reached its highest level in the
        nation's history.
        But it is not surprising for such a bad economy management as ours.

A) I don't think there is a problem. We are the best when it is economy
B) Everything seems to be alright but I don't think I am good at economic
C) I think unless they take some precautions, it will really be a hard year
    for most of us.
D) I am so busy with my work that I don't have time to watch news at all
        and I have no idea what's going on lately.
E) I am the last one to ask such a question as I hate economics.



Finish the sentences. Use the correct phrases.

  1. You would have slept much better 
  2. The teacher will not be happy 
  3. If I were you, 

Put in the correct verb forms.

  1. If you were older, you  (to go) to the party.
  2. If Steven had taken his camera, he  (to take) nice pictures.
  3. If the weather had been better, we  (to come) by bike.

Which type of the Conditional sentences is used?

  1. What would you do if you saw a robber?
  2. If I find your key, I'll tell you.
  3. My parents would have bought the house if it had been cheaper.

Complete the sentences.

  1. type III: If the sun  (to shine), we  (to go)swimming.
  2. type I: If the sun  (to shine), we  (to go)swimming.
  3. type II: If the sun  (to shine), we  (to go)swimming.
  4. Finish the sentences. Use the correct phrases.

    1. If you wait a minute, 
    2. I would go to the party 

    Complete the sentences.

    1. type III: They  (to fly) to Canberra if they  (to have) more money.
    2. type II: If I  (to study), I  (to pass) the test.
    3. type I: They  (to fly) to Canberra if they  (to have) more money.

    Which answers are correct?

    1. Which words/phrases can be used in an if-clause type I?
    2. Which words/phrases can be used in an if-clause type III?
    3. Which words/phrases can be used in an if-clause type II?

    Which type of the Conditional sentences is used?

    1. What would you do if you saw a robber?
    2. My parents would have bought the house if it had been cheaper.
    3. If it wasn't so late, I would go shopping.

    Put in the correct verb forms.

    1. If Alice  (to have) more money, she would go to Africa.
    2. If Sarah  (not/to eat) so much junk food, she could have been in the school hockey team.
    3. John's mother  (to have) more time for him if he does the washing up.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018



Write the sentences using ALL conditional

Complete the Conditional Sentences IN ALL TYPES (Type I,  II, III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 
  1. If we (have)  a yacht, we (sail)  the seven seas.
  2. If he (have)  more time, he (learn)  karate.
  3. If they (tell)  their father, he (be)  very angry.
  4. She (spend)  a year in the USA if it (be)  easier to get a green card.
  5. If I (live)  on a lonely island, I (run)  around naked all day.
  6. We (help)  you if we (know)  how.
  7. My brother (buy)  a sports car if he (have)  the money.
  8. If I (feel)  better, I (go)  to the cinema with you.
  9. If you (go)  by bike more often, you (be / not)  so flabby.
  10. She (not / talk)  to you if she (be)  mad at you.