miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018



Read the text and write the main ideas for you, in your own words.


It isn’t like high school

You've probably heard this one before, but I really need to emphasise just how true it is. No one's going to be calling home if you don’t show up – you have to get your butt in those lecture seats yourself!
All of your study is going to be more self-driven than ever before. No one's going to give you reminders about homework (unless you have a particularly kind tutor). 

At university you're in charge of your own learning, and you're only going to get out as much as you put in. You’re also going to have a lot more free time, but that doesn’t mean you can just slack off! Which brings me to...
Balancing your free time between work, study and your own 'me' time isn’t as easy as it sounds. University requires a lot more study than high school, and there are a lot more homework assignments.
If you have a break in between your classes, it might be a good chance to grab a bite to eat, get some coffee and take a look at your textbooks to pass the time. The earlier you get things done, the more time you’ll have to yourself later! You'll also stress out less, rather than realising you have five assignments due the next day.

Eat properly

A lot of the time I was too busy studying or doing homework to sit down and have a proper meal. Did I ever regret that later on!
It’s impossible to concentrate on an empty stomach, so remember to always get something to eat whenever you're starting to feel hungry. Keep in mind that the food at university can be a little on the expensive side, so try throwing in a vegemite sandwich every other day so you don't burn a hole in your wallet.
It may seem a little cheesy, but a good diet is the best way to stay focused in class. Most importantly, don't forget to keep a bottle of water with you during the day so you can keep hydrated, too.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Your lectures may seem pretty intimidating, with hundreds of people all sitting in the one room, but your lecturers and tutors all understand how intimidating it can be, because at some stage they were first-year students themselves.
Never hesitate to ask if you need to know something or if you need something repeated. And if you ever get lost or aren't sure where to find something, just ask a fellow student where to go! The worst thing they might say is, 'I’m not sure.'

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